What is a Micro Market?

A Micro Market is a mix between vending machines and convenience stores. It’s like having a miniature convenience store located inside of your office or break-room.

Your employees will be able to purchase fresh meals, drinks, and snacks from within your office. Our micro markets are un-manned. Your employees will pay for their items using our self checkout machines (just like self checkout at your local grocery store).

Imagine walking into the break-room and purchasing a club sandwich, fruit, and a drink without leaving the office! Choose from a variety of meal options, grab your items from the cooler, and pay for lunch at our self checkout machine.

Why should Your Business Consider a Micro Market?

Having a micro market is one of the best ways to boost employee morale, office health, and your office environments. As we have mentioned before, it’s completely free on your end. There are many reasons Micro Markets are in such high demand. In today’s post we’d like to share some of the top benefits of having a micro market.

Health Benefits

One of the top benefits of offering a micro market to employees is the increase of general health. Your employees deserve an alternative to McDonalds or Taco Bell. Yes, your employees have to choose a healthy lifestyle on their own but you’d be surprised how many people eat junk just because they don’t have time for healthier food.

The best part of increased health, ENERGY! Almost any boss will tell you that there is a noticeable energy drop in employees after lunch. This is because of their lack of nutrition in what they are eating. A micro market will offer a variety of healthy options that will give your employees the energy to finish the day strong.

Work Efficiency

Did you know that two of the top causes of unproductiveness in the office are hunger and leaving the office for lunch? There is nothing worse than trying to complete a project when you feel like your stomach might eat you alive! And how long does it take you to get yourself re-focused after returning to the office from lunch?

A micro market will completely eliminate both of these productivity rivals. When your employees need a snack they can take 2 minutes and grab an apple. It’s still important to give your workers a lunch break but when they don’t have to leave the office it makes it easier for them to continue to think of their work.

Environment Benefits

Have you ever seen a micro market? If not, please let us know so we can show you. Having an office market will completely change the look and feel of your workplace. It will give your office a cutting edge and high tech look and feel. Have you heard stories of companies like Facebook and Twitter? Employees worked in fresh and unique environments and as a result their productivity increased.

Chances are you have employees that thrive on new technology. Vawdrey Micro Markets offer high tech smart kiosks with fingerprint capabilities. Scanning your thumb print instead of your credit card is an exciting way to grab lunch. And if there is a line, our smart phone purchasing app will eliminate the headache of purchasing food the old fashioned way.


If you have enough employees, students, or customers to justify having a micro market you’d be silly to pass up the opportunity. Remember that our markets won’t cost you any money! We make money by selling snacks, meals, and drinks. Feel free to contact us any time if you have any questions.

Learn More about Micro Markets: Contact Us